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  • Writer's pictureClementine Wild

The city is alive: Denver

There is a loud roar of the bus engine through the garage. We just arrived at Union Station through the underground. I decided to exit the escalator on the wrong end…on purpose. Why not? Clunk-clunk. Clunk-clunk. The escalator rolls upward.

Hums of industrial HVAC units move through the air. Little chatter from the commuters. The long drawl of a rolling briefcase comes from the gentleman next me. There is a kid, well a “fresh professional” I would say – he looks new to this city world – so much energy.

Cars are racing by. Will we wait for the walk signal, or just go when they finish passing? We go – Wewatta is clear now.

Up beat blues music is coming from Tupelo Honey. I should go back to their happy hour soon. There’s a slight breeze coming through the buildings downtown. The weather is nice now. It will be hot later. I wonder what I will have for lunch today.

Ah, the hum of the electric power running through the tracks at Union Station. It’s fitting that there will always be noise coming from the part of the city that never sleeps. The ticket machine is rumbling through its cooling vents on the back. I am thankful for my eco-pass. Those buttons are germy.

Oh!!! That startled me. The young professional picked up a scooter – he just jumped off three small steps from the train platform. I bet he’s a fun guy. He will have a good Monday.

Fountain at Denver Union Station
Fountain of fun at Denver Union Station

A deep breath…the smell of chlorine. They must be running the fountain right now. The fountain comes to view. Two small children are running through the water. Wet feet patting along the granite stone. I wish I could join them – they are having so much fun. They have the whole fountain to their domain – there will be at least twenty kids in a few hours.

Ding-ding! Ding-ding! Someone needs to hurry if they want to catch that bus. The 16th street mall buses ready for the next green light – passing each other in the morning. I will walk. Nothing compares to New Orleans in the morning, but I still enjoy the early mornings in this city.

Doors. Footsteps. Cars. Buses. Bikes. Little noises from everywhere – just a reminder the city is alive.

I am lucky this morning. I smell The Market. Fresh baked goods and breads. I need to stop at The Market later, and pick up a gift for my students – spring fling cake sounds good. There goes a moped buzzing along the street.

My office. It’s Monday. The city tells me it’s going to be a good week. I will be in the mountains in four more days. The city is alive – just like the mountains, so for now, it’s all about the city.

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